T@ T6 Topics


Habits Week Dear Friends! “HABITS” We have ‘Habits Week’ here at IADLife, 28th October to 4th November 2015, each day we will send you a message related to this topic. Please share queries and your comments. Which habits to keep, form (develop), toss, tweak. Workshop date 8-11-2015. Thank you, Best Regards IADLife
Day 1 Today let’s make list of 2 to 4 of our habits ( please do not worry if it’s good or otherwise.) “Make positive affirmations your HABIT”.Thank you, best regards IADLife
Day 2 Let’s continue making list of 2 to 4 (more) of our habits (I know it takes time) “Make self-love your HABIT”.Thank you, best regards IADLife
Day 3 Now, to your 4 to 8 habits (written in previous two days), Add following comments to them :: a) daily b) when you can c) when you remember d) when possible. “Make working towards your Desires & Goals, your HABIT”.Thank you, best regards IADLife
Day 4 Now, to your 4 to 8 habits (written in first two days), Categorise them them into :: 1) Trust/keep 2) Toss 3) Take/borrow on trial basis 4) Tweak “Make forgiving/forgiveness your HABIT”. To start, please affirm, ‘I forgive easily’ and say, ‘ I forgive myself/him/her/ you’. Thank you, best regards IADLife
Day 5

“Make receiving your HABIT”. To start, please affirm, ‘ I receive easily, I am safe’.

1st step – adding comments helps in keeping an eye on your HABITS :: a) daily b) when you can c) when you remember d) when possible.

2nd Step – Categorising them gives a choice with your HABITS(if you wish) :: 1) Trust/keep 2) Toss 3) Take/borrow on trial basis 4) Tweak

Thank you, best regards IADLife

Day 6

“Make releasing your HABIT”. To start, please affirm, ‘ I release/let go all that no longer benefits me easily, I am safe’.

Now let’s re-write the HABITS. Please notice, are they different from day 1.

Thank you, best regards IADLife

Day 7

“Make asking your HABIT”. Ask for help, love, answers etc.

HABIT developing is matter of practice. So let’s practice and develop the habits that leads us to our desired life.

Thank you, best regards IADLife

Day 8 Dear Friends! “HABITS” Workshop Date: 8-11-2015.
Time: 10.30am to 12.30pm. After a week of exercises, let’s put all the experiences together and get cleared, anything that could need clarifications. Please register today. Thank you, Best Regards IADLife
11th Dear Friends! This week’s topic is “Getting sucked into others behaviour” how to recognise and get out of it, Please join us for a discussion on Sunday 11th October Time : 10.30 am to 12.30pm. Please register soon. Thank you, Regards IADLife
14th Dear Friends! “Did you know that you are being WATCHED and HEARD at all times” let’s find out by whom and why, on 14th October, in the T@T6- workshop and discussion forum, Time : 10.30 am to 12.30pm. Please register soon. Thank you, Regards IADLife
25th Dear Friends! “Are you inspired or are you admiring”. Inspiration or Admiration, be it external or internal, can be escalator to your journey towards attaining all that you desires. Let’s meet and discuss on 25-10-15, what inspires and what is admirable. Time – 10.30am to 12.30 pm. Please register soon. Thank you, Regards IADLife

Dear Friends! As a show of respect and gratitude to Dr Wayne Dyer (may he RIP), we are screening his Public Television Special “Wishes Fulfilled”- his lecture on ‘five steps necessary for fulfilling your deepest desire’. T@T6, 09-09-15, Time 10.30am to 12.30pm. Please register. Thank You. IADLife (was moved from 02nd September 2015)

16th Moved to 30th Sept. Dear Friends! This “Ganesh Chaturthi” week Please join us for a discussion about ‘obstacles’ and recognising and ways of removal of the same. Join us this Wednesday 16th Sept. 10.30 am to 12.30pm. Thank you, Regards IADLife.
23rd FREE Dear Friends! Continuing our show of respect and gratitude to Dr Wayne Dyer, we are screening his movie “The Teacher”, FREE, on 23-09-15, Time 10.30am to 12.30pm. Please inform before hand. Thank You. IADLife.
27th Please note ‘Obstacles’ topic is on 30-09-15. SUNDAY REPEATS:: Dear Friends! Dr Wayne Dyer’s Movie “My Greatest Teacher”, 27-09-15, 10.30AM. All are welcome. Thank You, Regards IADLife
30th Dear Friends! This “Ganesh Chaturthi” month Please join us for a discussion about ‘obstacles’ and recognising and ways of removal of the same. Join us this Wednesday 30th Sept. 10.30 am to 12.30pm. Thank you, Regards IADLife
5th Dear Friends! This 05-08-15, T@T6 topic is “you, me and I”, did u know understanding this is contributory to us in many areas including saying effective affirmations. Time 10.30am to 12.30pm. Please register today.
12th Dear friends! We all are social beings. To stay/live/survive/succeed, a support system is of utmost necessary parameter. Question is “do we know our support system.” This T@T6 12/08/15, let’s find out our support system. Please register soon. Regards IADLife
19th Dear Friends! This T@T6, 19-08-15, Lets find out what do you want “freedom towards” and what do you want “freedom from” and “how”, in some or all areas of your lives. Time 10.30am to 12.30pm. Please register TODAY. Thank You. IADLife
26th Movie Time Dear Friends! This T@T6, 26-08-15, “THE SHIFT” movie on study by Dr. Wayne Dyer’s, he has written a Book with the same name. Loads to learn in this movie. Please join us to watch and discuss from (Time) 10.30am to 12.30pm. Please register soon. Thank You. IADLife
1st “BELIEF(S)” which ones to ‘Take’ and which ones to ‘Toss’. At T@T6 on 01-07-15, we will learn about this life changing phenomena.
8th Movie Time “Anita Moorjani’s Public Television Appearance with Dr Wayne Dyer” T@T6 on 08-07-15, She came back from her NDE to teach us about Self-Love. Let’s meet and watch and discuss, her experience.
15th De-Clutter Your Life Part I : Clearing the Space
22nd De-Clutter Your Life Part II : Deciding what you desire
29th De-Clutter Your Life Part III :: Creating THE Vision Board
3rd Dear friend! Are you “A good or bad boy/girl”. Who told you that you are so, and when are you otherwise. Come for T@T6 03-06-15, let’s find out the if this belief holds, if yes then how much, if not, then what exactly are we good/bad. Time 10.30 to 12.30pm. Please register soon.
10th Dear friend! It’s movie + discussion time at IADLife We are watching and discussing “The Secret”, did u know the knowledge is so intense that, it has several scientists/healers/ counselors, still working full time to explain the learning in the movie and the book. Time 10.30am to 12.30pm. Please register soon.
19th Dear Friends! This T@T6 topic is ‘Creative Visualisation (CV)’, Methods, Processes, What & How to Ask and Manifest, Applications of CV. Let’s learn and apply on and from 17-06-15 onwards in all areas of our lives. Time 10.30am to 12.30pm. Please register soon.
24th  This T@T6 topic is ‘History of Power’, Before knowing the present and future, lets know about the past of the POWER.
6th Dear Friend! What has motivated you lately to keep going forward in life. Chris Gardner shows us that in most dire circumstances, one can find motivation. Let’s watch the MOVIE based on his life “The Pursuit of Happyness” T@T6, 06/05/15, this Wednesday and together understand and find motivation. Time 10.30am to 12.30 pm Please register soon – IADLife
13th Dear friend! Is all the healing methods and science and techniques confusing you. Which one to choose, which one is the right one, which one will work for you. Come for T@T6 13-05-15, let’s discuss this and have some clarity. Time 10.30 to 12.30pm. Please register soon.
20th Dear friend! ” Health Wealth Love ” can u think of any other area that u need to work on or need healing in or need change in. Come for T@T6 20-05-15, let’s discuss other areas that need addressing or are asking for your attention. Time 10.30 to 12.30pm. Please register soon.
27th Dear friend! Are you “Asleep At The Wheel”. As outrageous and dangerous this sounds, many have been doing this. Sam Cawthorn, will definitely be able to explain this as he literally did fall asleep at the wheel. Come for T@T6 27-05-15, let’s learn his story and discuss how he has made a mission to inform people not to fall asleep at the wheel which drives your life. Time 10.30 to 12.30pm. Please register soon.
1st Dear Friend! Have you ever wondered, what people will write, say, think about you when you are not on this planet anymore. This T@T6 figure out exactly that, by writing your own “obituary”, contact 9886077034 for registrations – IADLife Content Hint: “stop drifting, start rowing : Roz Savage”
8th Dear Friend! Movie + Book discussion time, “Eat Pray Love” wednesday T@T6, 08/04/15. Time 10.30am to 12.30 pm Please register soon.
15th Dear Friend! Topic “SKIN” for wednesday T@T6, 15/04/15. Time 10.30am to 12.30 pm Please register soon.
22th Dear Friend!  This T@T6, Share with us “what lies have you been telling yourself: Lisa Nicolas” – IADLife
30th This T@T6 is on Thurs 30/04/2015. Dear Friend! Topic “The Crux of the matter in healing and manifesting and attracting is …….VIBRATION” Time 10.30am to 12.30 pm Please register soon
4th ” what would you like to say to your FUTURE self”
11th ” Body – Does Your BODY give you Confidence or Concern “
18th ” Body – Does Your BODY give you Confidence or Concern ” Part II
25th “HEAL YOUR LIFE” The Movie (Remaining Part)
4th What would you say to your 14 year old self”
11th LOVE
18th “Water” Your perspective on water shall change.
25th “HEAL YOUR LIFE” The Movie
7th First one this year. We start with “Pranic Healing Meditation”. Receive divine blessings, Bless our beautiful planet.
21st “What would you like to ‘let-in’ after ‘letting-go’ this year”.
28th The dictionary meaning of word “Republic” noun is “a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them” Who is the ‘REPUBLIC’ in your state/universe.


3rd The Year That Was : Share with us how was your year!
10th what have you been procrastanating/delaying that you could possibly be ready for
17th ‘Define Fun: what does it mean to u? How do u enjoy Life’
24th ‘what’s on your mind, we would like to hear you’
31st ‘Setting Intention for 2015 – What’s yours’
5th “No. 11 – stands for ‘Keeping your thoughts positive’ : why and how” Let’s find out together
1st ‘Accidents- are they really accidental. What if there is a reason’
8th get to-gether, DISCUSSION + LUNCH
15th ‘I Am Different’ – IADLife is launching ‘It’s A DIGNIFIED Life’.
22nd ‘What is your Everest’
29th ‘Peer Pressure- Is it good or…always bad’
3rd ‘Who is Your Greatest Teacher-‘ For Wayne Dyer, it was his Dad. Who is yours
10th ‘Letting Go – necessary, doable- what do u think’. Dear Friend! At T@T6, we worked on what do we need to let go. One of the Realisation that surfaced was, we need to let go anger, that is keeping us from forgiving. When you think of someone and they make you sad/angry, there are some forgiveness still needed there. Let’s let go the need to hang on to past hurtful events/people. Let’s start by having the willingness to forgive him/her/event/memory. Let’s make space for miracles, welcome new beginnings.
17th ‘Wabi Sabi- Finding Perfection in Imperfection’
24th ‘Social Etiquettes – Who Decides’
6th Are you TOMORROW person or TODAY person – how about being a NOW person’
13th ‘Freedom- What does it mean to you’
20th ‘Heal’ing’ Your Life-‘IADLife organised 1st workshop on Heal Your Life. My Life Transformation started with Heal Your Life Workshop. I learnt much about myself and am the transformation continues. I joined IADLife, I have been aiming to bring this study to all who are willing to learn.
9th ‘Emotional Compatibility-Good or Not So Good; what say U!’
16th “What makes Good student- are u one?” Lisa Nicolas’s teacher told her that she was by far the worst in English writing. Lisa says “I needed to know what I sucked at to know what I can be best at”, today she is a motivational speaker and writer. Let’s find out what do we need to be good at
23rd “Safety- of oneself and near and dear ones”
30th Dear friend! ” Health Wealth Love ” can u think of any other area that u need to work on or need healing in or need change in. Come for T@T6 20-05-15, let’s discuss other areas that need addressing or are asking for your attention. Time 10.30 to 12.30pm. Please register soon.
18th ‘Appearance- what is an ideal’
25th ‘What is My Dream’, So Do you have your dream clear to you, did u ever make a picture or talk to someone you trust & value or actual see something in the dream.

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